These are some of the respected practices we suggest you follow while roleplaying.
Flaws, shortcomings, and limitations are integral in the progression of a character. While it is all right for a character to be powerful, even the strongest heroes have limiting factors that can hold them back, or create roadblocks along their path that they need to traverse. In addition, in some instances, be unable to overcome. It is good practice to have, and expose character flaws, and to not make them an "all powerful, all knowing, beautiful" being. This can range from having a fear that a character cannot overcome an inability to learn a skill, or even a grievous scar that cannot be willed away with magic.
Portals are a quick means of transportation in which a person steps in from one side, flies through the Twisting Nether, and then comes out at a point dictated by the creator of said portal. If portals were as prominent in lore as most roleplayers present them as, there would be several rifts overtaking Azeroth in a scene similar to the sundering of the Outlands in "Beyond the Dark Portal". It is within best interest to only use a portal when absolutely necessary. Even as a mage, it would likely take you a very long time to channel a portal, or cast a teleportation spell on yourself in comparison to clicking the button on your action bars. Use these sparingly, if possible.
Aside from portals, general purpose travel across a continent generally takes a few days, and by foot, likely a few weeks or even months. Try taking a walk from Maine to California, and that's likely how long it would take to travel to each side of Northrend. The exception to the rule? Flying mounts! Your local gryphon master is always standing by somewhere in major towns and cities, if your character does not possess their own bird (they could also just ask Shindo).
On the same note, mounts don't come out of thin air. While in-game we can summon our mounts on command, the only classes who can do so in lore are Death Knights, Warlocks, and highly skilled Paladins. If you mount up somewhere, be mindful of how that mount actually got there. Was it stabled? Maybe it's a wild animal you just so happened to acquaint. Just be mindful your mount won't be there for you every time you might need them.
The Citrine Eagle uses in-character communications devices in order to speak openly with one-another, and come in contact with individuals when needed. This is not a free pass to intrude on another members privacy. If you want to message someone over communicators, it is best practice to message them Out of Character first to inform them you're about to send a message. Communication also includes "Telepathy".
Everyone carries bags, they're very useful to store items of great importance. You average everyday carry in real life generally only consists of a few key items, a wallet, a phone, keys, maybe a protractor and a mini flashlight, et cetera. But, you're limited to how much you can carry by the amount of space you have in you bag and pockets. On Azeroth, this rule also applies. It is within best interest to not spawn items your character just so happens to have from nowhere, and if they do have a special item that is larger than the average tablet, it would more than likely be strapped somewhere on their body so it could be seen. Be mindful of what your character carries, and maybe even make them their own personal inventory list.
You are going to die. We're all going to die eventually, that's how life works. Your character, someday, might also die. This is a fact that they may need to face several times when combating against the great evils of Azeroth. Even the most fearless adventurer will sometimes stumble across a situation they know to take caution in, and bite their tongue. The risk of death is always present for our characters because of this, don't be afraid to show your character fears death!